Thursday, February 4, 2021

Simple squat night.

 So tonight was dynamic effort squats.  My squat numbers are no where what I'd like, but they'll get back there.  Tonight we went quick, and the 45 minutes in and out showed it, in addition to the being so winded.

DE Squat 175 8x2

Leg Curls 100 3x8

Reverse Hypers 15, 12, 10

Cable Side Bends 60 pounds 35 reps each side.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Okay, fun rebegins...

 Okay, I'll go into detail as to why this hasn't been updated in forever, but mostly time off due to the pandemic, injuries/health issues.  But we started back and tonight is the first night of trying out this program I've written up.  So, just gonna be tossing numbers for now.

Shoulder Saver Bench Press 95x8, 135x6 200x5, 250x4, 320 6x1

Seated Overhead Triceps Extensions with a super mini band x15, x12 x10

Axel press 120 2x8, 90x8

Reverse Pec Deck-Rear Delt flies 100 for a burnout set of 25.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Almost perfect bench day....

Holy shit, today was amazing.  Everything about my bench set up felt 100% right and spot on.  My arch was great, speed was great.  Felt like I was moving the bar only 6 inches.  Hell, might have been.  Kept my shoulders super tight, upper back super tight, was pushing off my lats.  Once I hit the half way point I realized I was almost done since I was going 45 seconds between sets and was upset that I was almost done.  Anyway, I'll pop some numbers now...

Dynamic Effort bench.  135x10, 225 4x2, 275 4x2, 315 4x2

Banded triceps pressdowns, two mini bands 4 sets to get to 30 reps, one mini band 3 sets to get to 100 reps

Single band face pulls, mini band, 2 sets to get to 100 reps.

Finished up with a burn out on the triceps extension machine, 100 pounds x 53

Need to check my weight again at some point this week, but jeans are fitting well again, so that's a plus.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday Squats

Damn, today was fantastic, my back felt a little wonky going in, but I said screw it and went anyway and I'm damn glad I did.  Squats felt really good.  Just did doubles but went heavier than I've been going and was easily hitting my depth.  I'll just throw some numbers....

Squats 145x10, 235 2x2, 245 2x2, 255 2x2, 265 2x2, 275 2x2. 

Might actually throw an extra squat day in this upcoming week since this was the best they've felt.

Standing side bends with a pullup in between since I was at the cable machine anyway...

100  5x20 each side.

Foam rolled out my lower back just to be safe, then hit the other gym for the hydromassage.  Damn good day.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Rack pulls and recovery...

Today whipped my ass even though it wasn't too much as far as lifting goes.  Was a pulling day, which I wasn't really looking forward to, I'm determined to get my back, uh... back, to where it was.  Oscar Wilde like wordplay there folks.  So today was rack pulls from the 2nd pins.  Puts the bar just a tad bit below my knees, so was a good height to pull from.  Ended up going decently heavy, for me currently at least, for six singles.  After that finished up with some light pull throughs and some recovery work, foam rolling, stretching, and the hydro massage.  To accomplish all this it required two gyms, fortunately, I go to two gyms and they're close.  Only numbers I'm really going to post up is the pull throughs since the recovery stuff is hard to actually quantify, although, needed.

I did use the squat bar for the pulls since I need to get my callouses back, it absolutely obliterated my hands, but you know, worth it.

Rack Pulls 2nd Pin  145x8, 235x6, 325x3, 415x1, 505 6x1

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Grip and biceps day

Over the past year I've gotten into working my grip a lot more. It's been a huge amount of fun actually. Last Christmas me mum got me a sweet set of hand grippers so I've been using those a lot. Plus a lot of the stuff from Juji and Tom has taught me a lot of really fun new techniques, so a lot of my biceps and grip work kind of ends with a grip medley. I've gotten a lot stronger with my hammer curls, although I was feeling a bit off today after not training hammer curls or any biceps for the past few weeks. Anyways, gonna drop something that will resemble numbers below, if anyone actually reads this and has any questions I'll try to answer. Over all though not the most taxing day. 

Hammer curls 20x15, 30x10, 40x8, 50x8, 60x6, 70x6, 80x4, 90x4, 100x1 my best with the 100s has been three reps but today was not a day to equal that. 

Grip medle 

First round hand grippers for a static hold, 100s for a count of 20, 150s for a count of 15, and 200s for a count of 10. 

Hex dumbbell hold 25lb count of 45

Kettlebell blob hold, which I've nicknamed baby holds thanks to a meme, 20lb for a count of 30

Second round gripper reps 100x20, 150x15, 200x10

Hex dumbbell hold 25 count of 30

Baby holds 20 for a count of 30

Third round, gripper holds 200x10, 150x15, 100x30

Hex dumbbell 25 for 20 count

Baby holds 20 for a count of 15

Ended once again with the reverse slow pace treadmill, a little over 10 minutes, my basic method for how long I go is three songs on my gym mix playlist, so it'll generally be in the 10-15 minute range which is nice. Anyway, gonna post this crap now and actually post it up to Twitter and Facebook.


We're back...

Gotta start bringing this back so I can keep track of numbers.  Been feeling decent lately after a myriad of injuries this past year.   Feeling pretty strong lately just trying not to push my lower back too badly after the disc injury.  Okay, anyway this will be for yesterday, but...

Dynamic effort bench 225 4x2, 275 3x2, 315 3x2

Tate Presses 50lb dumbbells 3x12

Face Pulls  80  3x12

Burn out of low to high cable flies  22.5 x 31

12 minutes of max incline, low speed backwards treadmill.... my ass was pumped after this, giggity.

Current weight 336.2

Probably some more detail starting with today's post. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

On Sundays we deadlift apparently...

So, I missed a couple of days last week because of exhaustion and being beat up from work and training.  Did manage to bench 505 on Thursday, then Friday attempted to squat, that turned into no squatting at all and just doing grip work.  Today was good as far as my lifts go, unfortunately my partner's back went a bit south when he went to pull 405.  Hopefully it's not bad and heals quick.  As for me, this was about the 3rd time I've pulled this year thanks to the lower back pull and a pulled rib cage.  Decided I was going to go over 500 if even by a little, and I did.  Thanks to the partner's pulled back we just did some grip work afterward.  My goal for the year was going to be to add an inch to my forearms, right now I'm at 3/4th of an inch gained, so I'm way ahead of schedule.  It's tapered off a bit the last few weeks though, but all is well.  So here's some numbers.

Deadlift  135x10, 225x8, 315x1, 405x1, 505x1

Grip work consisted of... static hold with 200lb grippers, 30 reps each hand with the 150lb grippers, 15 pound hex dumbbell hold at finger tips, and 15 pound hex dumbbell hold with deep grip.

Probably just going to do a nice little hypertrophic bench day tomorrow, I'll do another heavy bench day on Thursday. 

Oh yeah, before I put this one to bed, my weight today was 308.2.  This is kinda odd for me.  I'm .2 pounds away from not being in the superheavyweight class.  My diet has been a lot better lately, which has been odd for me.  Me and my partner joke around that if I'd stop drinking Mello Yello I'd drop 15 pounds in a week.  Fucked up part is, it's probably not that much of a joke, but fuck it, I do love me some Mello Yello.  Anyway... Meet is in 3 weeks, so just going to do bench only.  We'll see how it goes. 

Stay frosty...

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Bench day, new incline PR

So, gotta be up at 3am and Ambien is kicking in... so going to make this quick.  Really good day after a pretty rough few days in a row at work.  But eh, that happens.  Hit 355 on incline, so that's a new PR by 5 pounds.  Everything was feeling good.  Shoulder felt a little wonky when we went to do burnouts with 225, that's why I stopped at 18.  Anyway, lets drop some numbers...

Incline bench press  135x8, 185x6, 225x4, 315x1, 355x1

Overhead Grenade Cable Extensions 60x12, 70x12, 80x12, 90x10

Low to High Cable Flies 60  3x12

Benchpress burnout 225x18, like I said, shoulder felt wonky, so stopped there.

Anyway, off tomorrow since it's truck day, back with deadlifts on Tuesday.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Squats, my legs are killing me today...

So yesterday we knocked out some squats.  It was good, we kept time to a minimum between sets, basically just enough rest to reset for your next set of doubles.  It was good, also through some half up full ups in.  That was a bad idea, yet oh so good.  Also a lot of grip work.  So here's some numbers.  Next week I'll try adding back the pithiness you've all grown accous...tired of.

Dynamic Effort Squats  135x8, 225 8x2

Half Up Full Up Squats  135  8 total reps

Leg Curl/Glute machine  175  2x6

Then the grip work with hand grippers, hex dumbbell holds, and static hangs.  Was a good day.